A Thought for Every Word

Archive for May, 2012

Scar Tissue at Top 2 Bottom Reviews

Scar Tissue by GL Roberts.

Another solid review for my first novella, Scar Tissue over at Top 2 Bottom Reviews!

What excites me most, is the connection the characters Bob and Mike have made with the readers.  They are two gay men living in 1976 when being gay was not an easy way to live.  Sure you could be out to your close friends, or your family if you were lucky, but never to your employer.  Especially, if your employer was Uncle Sam.  For Bob and Mike, the idea of working for the government was as natural as breathing; both proud Veterans, both fiercely patriotic. It was, however, the wrong place to be if you were openly gay.  They sacrificed and endured much to become agents for the DEA and CIA, but love was one sacrifice they were unwilling to make.  Joining forces to protect one another, they discover happy endings aren’t only reserved for fairy tales.

Please check out the review at Top 2 Bottom Reviews here:  Scar Tissue by GL Roberts.


Between the Commas (NC17)

Taste my love on your lips and tell me

am I sweetly tempting

Alas, you cannot feel these lips

nor taste our sex, my cyberlove


I see the words of lust driven desire

sprawled across the screen and I laugh

Nodding my acceptance

at the dirty secrets


Your cock tempts me with flattery

the sweat on your chest glistening

The video stutters and I gasp

and I watch in shameless awe


Until next time, my cyberlove

where we can meet and indulge

Our secrets will remain suspended

in the void between the commas



His Lover (NC17)

He breaths me in

with his whiskey words

taking my saliva with him


He turns his head

and I see the purple scar

where a rope kissed him


His deeds my deeds

we share the heated stares

wrapped in me and him


His cock tips and bows

before me like a subject

I am King to him


I Will Leave


When the time is right I will sing

and herald long all my losses

gathered waiting in my mouth

to spill upon the lilting air


When the time is right I will fly

and take with me all my loves

crammed against my breast

to fill my heart as it drums


When the time is right I will leave

and put away all my knowledge

poured with relish into a cavern

locked away with memories



Captured sleeping beast
waits upon deprived dead scabs
crying saltless tears
Heard by no one now
with hollow sounds that fall still
and portend the dirge
Death knell soaring high
on wings of black taloned wrens
warbling a shrill note
Dry scabs crust and flake
falling off wasted wraith arms
to be pricked again


When Nightmares Become You

What do you typically do when you have a nightmare?  One that holds you in its grasp long after that fated scream escapes with force from the dire grip of ‘why can’t I scream’ to the explosive ‘I just woke myself screaming’.  Do you lie awake, listening to the sounds of your room, or stumble out of bed to check the locks on all the doors?  Do you call a friend?  Or text a lover?

Or, do you do as I do…Write down the dream; because you know in there somewhere is a great story.  Some of us are cursed with the capacity to think beyond the pale.  And I do mean cursed.  We see words in the nightmarish pictures. We tremble at the ferocity of the wayward assault on our senses, but manage somehow to put the words down.  Claiming the dream.  Making it a part of the daylight hours, to dissect and disseminate and redefine the parameters to suit our needs.  We still shake when we think about the dream, but in the end…we win.

I have been asked by friends and family, just where do I get my story lines.  To be honest~ from inside my head.  Sure, I read a lot as a child.  All the classic children’s stories before they were taken over by the P.C. police (politically correct police for all my non new-speak readers), you know, Red Riding Hood being eaten by the wolf…and Snow White being physically challenged by the Huntsman.  The stuff nightmares are made of, were my earliest books.  As I grew, I added new stories.  Of course I read Nancy Drew mysteries.  I also read Poe, and Melville.  I read Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, and Ernest Hemingway.  No author was spared, no story unreadable by my definition.  I read Philip Roth and Erica Jong.  Anaïs Nin, and Evelyn Waugh.  I dabbled in Goethe and Grass, Whitman, Ginsberg, and Pirsig.  When a nightmare struck, I knew I could find a story buried deep in the inner sanctum of my thoughts, knowing I had all those authors to guide me.

It was the same with exciting, friendly, and even erotic dreams.  All were subject to my handy and easily accessible cross pen (a prize from an early school poetry contest) and notepad.  From those dreams, I found my stories.

Last night the nightmare was more vivid and more brutal than any I have ever experienced.  It was driven and dark.  I can only hope that the few words I managed to jot down, before I went and checked the doors and windows, will develop into something I can derail and control.  For now the words are the cornerstone, it will be up to me to raise the foundation and write…a story.

long halls and locked doors

cries of human animals

gasping air to scream

Solo Balance (NC17)


expelled openly upon skin


dark moist spaces



lavished on lust hardened pillows


sweat stained air



hit pain driven desired hands


finding release



mewling under twin sized sheets


orgasm heat



laden heavily with remorse


abandoned limbs

Unbidden Tears

You come to me and take my hand

gazing furtively over your shoulder

the shadow whisperers that follow

are hidden in secret doorways


Brushing your lips on my brow

pensive furrowed mouth speaks

low and comforting words

of babble to my anxious ears


I love you tumbles out and drops

on concrete steps to shatter

and splatter a million drops

covering your expensive shoes


The deed is done in dark alleys

watched by shadow whisperers

overheard by black crows

that fly and squawk the truth


Ours is not the light of day

to linger in and be seen

by those whose tongues

would loose arrows that sting


The sun touches the sky

your hand releases mine

and you turn and walk away

wiping shoes on pressed trouser cuffs

What Prompts a Writer

Some of us write because we love the words.  Little words like His and At; words like Remorse or Morbid, and big words like Turpitude or Grandiose, that convey the thoughts that are ever wandering around in our minds.

Some write because we desire attention.  Spilling our guts on black and white, calling attention to the bloodstained tear streaks of our lack of social status, hoping our voices are heard over the din.  Willing our uncensored passion upon you.

Some write because we seek release.  The bottled up thoughts, wishes, hopes, goals, passions, cravings, teeming against each other pushing against our synapse waiting for the explosive gasp of the muse.

Whatever the reason, the stories and verse we set down become as important to us as air is to lungs, or white cells to blood.  Without our stories and verse we would gasp and choke, shrivel and die unable to fend off the invading virus of flaccidity; willing ourselves to step out into the crowded lanes of fast moving traffic.  So, we write.  Some of us are lucky to have our words read by others.  We delight when others read and move their heads, either yes or no; it does not matter so long as the words are read.  We pump our fists and raise our arms in the air when we receive a comment on our words.  A review; a posted comment on a social network; a whispered “have you read this” heard on the train.  We are amazed when others like our work, even though we ourselves love it.  We nurtured it, fed it, cared for it, gave it a bath; a haircut, a new suit, made love to it.  It is ours, and we expect to adore it.  It is when you the reader finds a piece of our word filled pages and claims it as something that moves you one way or another, that we the writer stamps ‘paid in full’ in our ledger.  Only then can we move on.

When I first put my Scar Tissue characters down on paper, I did so with timid and unsure hands.  I wanted to tell a M/M romance story of two men who come together because of an underlying current of connectivity.  Each having shed past demons to become better acquainted with themselves. I had past demons.  I needed to excise those demons.   Thus, the two men came to my aid.  Though these two men started out in a different story, they made their debut to readers here in Scar Tissue. For one of the men –  Bob Elkins, it was a flippant journey. Callous at times, tender at other junctions, ever leading him along a path where he eventually becomes a stronger, more confident man in his own skin.  For Mike Wells, it was a path strewn with boulders; one’s he could not surmount, being forced to go back and find another way around.  Each retreat led him deeper into a solitary existence.  Where Bob could laugh at his past and the deeds he committed to keep from starving on the streets, Mike could not laugh, and he hid from his past.  There was anguish there, and pain.

When the two men come to the fork in the road that will either take them one way together, or split them apart, Mike is able to reach the top of the largest boulder that had been blocking his way forward.  On the other side stands Bob; hands outstretched and waiting.  They have many things in common. They are both former military, and fiercely patriotic.  They are both loyal when it comes to friends.  They both have lost parents.  They are strong men; in heart, mind, and body.  Physically intimidating, tall, and muscular.  And, they are both gay.  Each employed by the government during a moment in time when outing themselves could get them fired from their jobs…or worse.  They struggle with their relationship as does any couple.  What they have together cannot be denied, and it will endure.  Scar Tissue is a novella and is available through Seventh Window Publications here: Scar Tissue

You can also find Scar Tissue at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

My next book, Light and Shadow, another M/M romance, again places two men at a crossroads.  Cody Andrews has left his fast lane partner, and the glimmering sights and sounds of Los Angeles, for an abandoned and run down lighthouse on the rugged Oregon coast.  He is determined to renovate and live in the lighthouse and create a new life for himself; far from the fast lane and its inherent dangers. He finds himself attracted to a tourist, Nick Stanton, who is out visiting the Oregon coast from Chicago.  Cody and Nick hit it off at their first meeting, with just one little hitch…Nick has a partner of his own.  A greedy, manipulative man named Ray Milner.  Ray’s constant badgering of Nick and the quiet coastal town grates on Cody’s nerves, and Cody wishes he could silence Ray’s harpy declarations.

When Ray pushes his luck at little too far, Cody is the only one around to save Ray from his own stupidity.  Nick is grateful, but can Cody leave it at that?  Will he allow Nick and Ray to leave the coastal town peacefully at the end of their vacation, or will Cody try one last time to win Nick from Ray?

Cool winds, bright sun, a lighthouse, and two men; one who thought he had escaped the drama, the other deeply embroiled in it. Light and Shadow will be available later this year through Seventh Window Publications.  More information will made available as the book nears its go live date.

A short story written for the Goodreads M/M Romance event “Love is Always Write“, entitled A Pharaoh’s Promise, is set in Ancient Egypt. A Pharaoh of the Hyksos Dynasty, King Khiyan, has fallen in love with the slave that carves and paints his image on the walls and obelisks of Lower and Upper Egypt.  The slave, Gehdur, cannot believe he has been chosen by the King.  He realizes his place is to obey, but his heart wants more than just to pleasure his King.  He wants the King’s love as well.  This story will be made available free to all Goodreads members June 14th.  I will post a link once the story is published on the Goodreads site.

In the works is a followup novella to Scar Tissue.  This one takes Bob and Mike into the jungles of Honduras and Nicaragua on Mike’s first covert CIA operation.  Bob is already in Central America with the DEA, when he learns that Mike will join him; he is at first excited, and then distressed.  Their forbidden relationship, thus far secret, threatens to heat up the already warm nights in the jungle and each man must make the hard decision to back away from the other before lives are lost.  Sandinista guerrillas, drug lords, and steamy jungle nights bring Bob and Mike to a bridge that must be crossed…or burned.

And, for readers of fantasy romance, Shieldmaiden, is the F/F romance story of unrequited love between the daughter of a famous Druid High Priest, and the daughter of the King of the realm.  The Princess, a dragon mistress, champions her dragon to find her true love.  When the dragon discovers it is the daughter of the Priest, the challenge is to get the two women to recognize their destiny.  The Priest’s daughter knows she is in love with the Princess and with the support of the dragon, sets out to prove her love worthy of a Princess.  Shieldmaiden has not yet been picked up by a publisher, but my fingers are crossed…

The three novels in which Bob and Mike take a long journey through the jungles of Panama, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua, to the drug labs in Columbia, are ready and waiting for an editor and/or publisher to give them a home.  Until then..

For those of you who follow my blog, I wish to express my sincerest thanks for doing so.  My stories and poems are the white cells to my mind; keeping all dark thoughts from manifesting into crowded lanes of fast moving traffic.

Scar Tissue ~ A Recommended Read on All Romance eBooks

Scar Tissue, my first m/m romance novella garnered these nice words from the reviewers at All Romance eBooks: “This very original novella gives you two appealing characters and a rock-solid sense of location and time, which are two ingredients inexplicably neglected in most romance fiction. The detailed location is Washington DC, which comes across with easy familiarity as if from an actual resident of the city. The unusual time period is 1976, the midpoint of a forgotten decade overshadowed by the chaotic 1960s and the materialistic 1980s.”  For the entire review and recommendation please visit them at:


G.L. Roberts’s books on Goodreads

Scar TissueScar Tissue

reviews: 9
ratings: 41 (avg rating 4.15)